
So here is where you can donate some funds. We will contact you for details for your Section 18A tax certificate and send them in time for income tax season. All donors automatically go into the draw for Apple Airpods at the end of May 2020! Good luck!

This fancy button signs you up for monthly donation to change some lives.  Feel free to change the amount!  Our current monthly donors range from R50 – R300 pm. 

This button is for a once off donation, every bit counts! This amount can also be edited.

If you don’t quite trust our secure payment method and want to kick it old school, here are our bank account details:

Nose to the Grind NPC, Account number 1164728539, Branch Code 10741000, Nedbank Business Account

Please use your email address as a reference so that we know how to communicate with you about your donation certificate for SARS. If you haven’t joined yet, please follow this link: